What to expect
For You
What to wear for treatment?
Unless using therapeutic oils or heat techniques you will remain lightly clothed throughout your treatment sessions. For this purpose wearing relaxed comfortable clothing is highly recommended. When direct work over soft tissues is required your comfort and discretion will be observed at all times.
The first part of each treatment session will be to discuss how you are, where your health concerns lay, how you are getting on since previous treatments etc, and what you would like to achieve from treatment.
Bowen Technique
When you receive the Bowen Technique Jen will additionally use biomechanical observation skills to assess where you need help and what you need to help you return to health.
During the actual hands on part of your Bowen treatment session Jen will continually assess the quality, nature and functional state of your fascia, soft tissue, nerve responses, and joint mobility to help guide your body back to a better state of health. Jen will then discuss with you the changes occurring from treatment and what you may expect to experience over the next few days as the treatment develops in the physiology of the body.
Recommendations may then be given to help you further develop your health between treatment sessions.
Shiatsu Massage
When you receive Shiatsu Massage, and Healing Techniques Jen uses a highly trained sense of touch and observational skills to get a picture of how your Qi balance is and make an initial Qi diagnosis. Treatments then continue this dialogue observing and affecting the quality, nature and functional state of the Qi in your Meridians and Acupressure points, or Chakras respectfully. Towards the end of the treatment another Qi diagnosis will be done to assess the changes achieved during the treatment session, and these findings will be discussed with you. Recommendations may then be given to help you further develop your health between treatment sessions.
All treatments are bespoke, that is, appropriate to you on that day to support your return to a better state of health.
For Babies and Children
What to dress babies and children in for treatment?
Unless using therapeutic oils or heat techniques your baby or child will remain lightly clothed throughout their treatment sessions. For this purpose dressing them in relaxed comfortable clothing is highly recommended. When direct work over soft tissues is required their comfort and discretion is observed at all times.
All children under 16 years of age must be, by law, accompanied by a responsible adult. This can be an older sibling, parent or guardian.
Even the most timid or anxious of children love coming for their visits once they have experienced the relaxed, friendly, and supportive environment of a treatment session.
New borns and infants more often that not are treated in the comfort of the attending adults arms, on their lap, or laying in their own portable cot. Older children are mostly treated on a comfortable treatment couch.
All treatments are bespoke, that is, appropriate to your baby or child on that day to support their return to a better state of health.
Treatments, How Many, How Often?
Two treatments are recommended at first usually 4 to 7 days apart depending on the severity of pain and urgency of the condition. This allows the practitioner to treat you, assess your response to treatment, and observe your body's capacity to improve between treatments.
By the end of second treatment, if you have not already achieved your health goal, your practitioner will be able to give you a good indication about how many more treatments you made need and how regular these would have to be to achieve your desired outcome.
Generally 3 to 8 treatments at 7 to 14 day intervals have proven sufficient for most people to reach their desired health goal.
Shiatsu Massage and Healing
3 treatments at weekly intervals are highly recommended to provide a good level of improvement to your health.
Then further sessions, if needed, are attended at intervals to match your individual ongoing needs.
Many people benefit from regular treatments. Why not join them and enjoy improved mental and physical health year on year.